NPower NPVN Portal Passport And Deployment Letter Disappearance

NPower NPVN Portal Passport And Deployment Letter Disappearance

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NPower NPVN Portal Passport And Deployment Letter Disappearance Many of you are worried about npower portal passport photograph and your deployment letter disappearance, infact i have been getting series of emails pertaining to this problem and a lot of you have tried in many ways to upload your passport and your deployment letter again and it is not working.

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What you understand is that all your details in NPVN portal is safe so i will advise you to stop wasting your time and money trying to re upload your passport and deployment letter because npower will let you do it, because they still have the ones you uploaded, so the essence of this article is to advise you to stop disturbing your self over it.

The passport and the deployment letter you uploaded before was never deleted, it was hidden by npower and them alone, have reasons for hiding it from the npower volunteers so if npower wanted you guys to upload more of it they wouls have officially announced it, so once again stop bothering your self.

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Npower took the decision to remove the passport and deployment letter  save space and also to make the portal load faster thereby reducing cost needed to load the website. because currently npower 500,000 people accessing it almost everyday looking for fresh information.

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All credentials you uploaded is save and intact no point trying to upload any one because it will never go through, so like i said earlier save your self the stress and use the time and money and do something more beneficial to you, should in case there is need to upload the credentials we shall be the first to inform you of it, so that is why it is advisable you subscribing with us and also leaving a comment on each of our post using the comment box below, so that you are not left behind.

NPower NPVN Portal Passport And Deployment Letter Disappearance

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